A flat stomach with six-pack always looks beautiful, but is it possible for girls to pump up their abs in a week? To succeed, you need to train daily, and correctly. The abdominal press consists of several muscle groups that need to be trained one by one. There are specific exercises to target each muscle.
Beautiful abs quickly
Many girls dream of quickly and effortlessly getting their tummy into ideal shape. The ideal shape means elastic abs, on which the notorious cubes are clearly visible. In search of a solution to the problem, they ask themselves the question: how to pump up a girl’s abs in a week at home? There is only one answer to this question: no way. It will take about a month for the stomach to acquire the desired appearance. It is simply impossible to cope with this task in one week. But regular exercises for a month are quite capable of providing the desired effect. Training should be daily and last at least half an hour. All other methods and techniques that promise the appearance of cubes a week after the start of classes are simply deception, a myth and a banal scam. When we talk about an ideal belly in a month, we mean slim girls who do not have a significant amount of excess weight. If you have pounds that you need to get rid of, then the task of creating an ideal tummy becomes much more complicated. After all, the fat layer will hide pumped up cubes. Just 1 cm of fat is enough to negate all efforts to create beautiful abs. In this situation, abdominal muscle training must certainly be combined with activities aimed at losing weight throughout the body. Running, swimming, and cycling are best suited for this purpose. Also a necessary condition for slimness and an attractive, toned tummy is a healthy, balanced diet. During training, it is recommended to adhere to the principles of cutting in order to get rid of fat, which hides the results of training.
Is it possible to pump up abs in a week?
Unfortunately, this task is obviously impossible. However, what can we do in one week?
- First, let's start training. The fact is that the press requires systematization, a clear schedule of food and your activities. It’s hard to get used to and it’s hard to understand how best to do everything, but if you don’t start, then nothing will ever change.
- Secondly, if you are already involved in sports, have some kind of base and want results very quickly, then you can talk about carbohydrate fasting and forced training, but more on that later.
Actually, one week will be beneficial. For example, in a month you can really see a good result, but in 7 days you will feel much more confident and understand that this is achievable.
Training rules for abdominal muscles
Now we need to talk about how to pump up a girl’s abs correctly and safely. It is quite possible to conduct abdominal workouts at home, but for this you need to acquire the necessary sports equipment. For abdominal pumping exercises, you will need a rigid foundation. You can pump up your muscles while lying on the floor or on a special mat.
You need to do it competently and correctly. The training begins with a warm-up. Here every girl can choose the option that she likes best. This could be stretching exercises, dancing, gymnastics. If the abdominal muscles are well warmed up before the main exercises, the effectiveness of the workout will be much higher. Prepared muscles absorb the load better.
You need to choose the optimal time for training. It should be done a couple of hours after eating and not immediately before bed.
Home abdominal exercises for women
In modern fitness programs, separate techniques are developed for each muscle group that allow you to work each muscle most effectively. This is the easiest way to pump up a girl’s abs quickly. Many such programs have been developed for the press. They are compiled taking into account the specifics of the training zone, and are selected in accordance with the result that needs to be obtained. The press is usually pumped while lying down.
Rectus muscle training
The rectus muscle is located at the superficial level. It depends on its shape how well those very cubes that girls strive for will be visible. But even the most beautiful shape of the rectus muscle will not help show off your six-pack abs to the world if there is a layer of fat covering it on top. The rectus muscle is a solid paired muscle. It is located in front on the abdominal wall. The muscle is divided into lower and upper abs. This is a conditional division that is used solely for convenience. The rectus muscle can consist of 6-8 parts, which form the notorious cubes. The exact number of cube parts is determined at the genetic level, and no amount of training can change it. The best exercises to train the rectus muscle are:
- Twisting. The classic twist pattern is familiar to almost everyone. Performed from a supine position. The legs must be bent and the arms clasped at the back of the head. Slowly and smoothly you need to raise your torso 20-30 cm above the floor, fix your body at the top point and smoothly return your torso to the starting position. The optimal load is a couple of sets of 15 repetitions. If you want to increase the load, use a ball.
- Deflections. The starting position is lying on your stomach. The legs need to be stretched out, the arms should be clasped behind the back. It is necessary to slowly and smoothly lift your torso off the floor, lift it as high as you can, fix your body at the top point, take five slow exhalations and smoothly lower yourself to the starting position. The optimal load is a couple of sets of 10 repetitions.
- Leg lift. Starting position – lying on your back. It is necessary to raise your straight legs up to a vertical position, and then slowly lower them to the starting position. The optimal load is 10 repetitions.
- Harmonic. Starting position – sitting with legs extended forward. You need to smoothly lift your legs, stop in the top position for a couple of seconds, pull them towards your chest, and then return them to the starting position. The optimal load is a couple of sets of 15 repetitions.
- Steps on weight. Starts from a supine position. It is necessary to raise your legs to 45º and move up and down at a fast pace. The optimal load is 35 repetitions.
- Leg lift. Starts from a position lying on your back, one leg straightened, the other bent. It is necessary, tensing your abs and leaning on your bent leg, to lift and straighten your pelvis along with your straightened leg. The optimal load is one set of 25 repetitions.
- Scissors. Starts from a supine position. It is necessary to raise your legs 20 cm and perform crossing movements with them. The optimal load is a couple of sets of 30 repetitions.
Practice shows that there is no fundamental difference between exercises for the upper and lower abs. Any of these exercises train the rectus muscle. The whole difference is that some put a greater load on the upper part, while others put more stress on the lower part.
Ab exercises in a week
- Take a lying position.
- Alternately bring your knees toward your chest.
In our abs program for the week, we will use this exercise as cardio to maintain intensity. Usually, it is best to perform it slowly, stretching the abdominal muscles. And also, tuck your knees not to your chest, but to the opposite elbow, so as to also affect the oblique muscles.
Bicycle standing
- Stand up straight.
- Spread your elbows to the sides, lift your hands up and put them behind your head.
- Alternately raise your knees and touch them with the opposite elbow.
A good exercise to warm up and work several areas of your abs at once.
- Lie down on the floor.
- Bend your knees and lift them so that your feet point straight ahead.
- Clasp your hands behind the back of your head.
- Raise your body as if in a crunch, while pulling your legs towards you in rhythm.
Don’t rush, but contract your muscles smoothly and technically to pump up your abs more efficiently and effectively.
- Sit on the floor.
- Raise your legs 15 centimeters from the floor.
- Rotate your body in different directions as much as possible.
- Lie on your stomach.
- Lift your upper body and legs at the same time to create an arch in your body.
Do not jerk, but slowly rise and fall.
Lying leg rotation
- Lie down on the floor.
- Raise your legs and rotate them clockwise, making a big turn.
Bicycle lying down
- Lie down on the floor.
- Raise your body and legs.
- Pull your knees towards you one by one.
- Using the opposite side of your body, also pull yourself towards your leg, trying to touch your elbow with your knee.
- Lie down on the floor.
- Bend your legs at the knees.
- Place your hands at the back of your head.
- Raise your body until your lower back lifts off.
Raising legs to the horizontal bar
- Grab the bar.
- Raise your feet to your hands.
Keep your body straight and don't sway. It is advisable to keep your legs straight too, but this is much more difficult. Make sure your legs rise and fall equally slowly.
Bent leg rotation
- Lie down on the floor.
- Extend your arms to the sides.
- Bend your knees and lift them up so that your feet always point forward.
- Turn them to the side so that your knees touch the floor.
Swing your legs
- Lie down on the floor.
- Lift your legs up and scissor up and down.
Find a position where your feet are not too high or too low. In this position, the greatest load will be applied to the press.
- Take a position lying on your elbows.
- Keep your body straight for a certain time.
Core exercises
If you are thinking about how to pump up a girl’s abs quickly at home, then take into account techniques for the core muscles. The only effective exercise for them is the plank. It allows you to train your entire abdomen at once, and therefore is quite universal. The plank will not help you pump up your abs, but it will significantly strengthen your muscle corset, reduce your waist, and give your tummy a toned look. There are several types of planks:
- Classic. Performed from a lying position. The upper body rests on the elbow part of the arm. It is necessary to tense your stomach and maintain a strictly horizontal, level position for 30-60 seconds. The buttocks should not rise up, the lower back should not bend. The optimal load is three approaches. A lightweight version - with support not on your toes, but on your knees.
- Lateral. Performed with emphasis on the feet and elbow of one hand. The body is turned to the side. It is necessary to lift your hips off the floor, straighten your body, tense your abs and maintain this position for 30-60 seconds. The optimal load is three approaches on each side.
- With push-ups. Performed from the same position as the classic one. It is necessary to straighten your arms, take a lying position with support on your palms, tense your abs, stay in this position and slowly return to resting on your elbows.
Abs in a week for girls: exercise system
The press is a group of muscles that includes 3 types: upper, lower, lateral (oblique). You need to work on all of them, since some of them form “cubes”, while others are responsible for a beautiful waist. The following exercises are considered effective:
- for the upper abs, lifting the legs while lying on your back is suitable. Turning over on your stomach, you can do backbends: clasp your hands behind your back and try to lift your upper body as high as possible;
- For lower abs, weighted steps are considered ideal. Your legs must be lifted off the floor at least 45 degrees. The “accordion” exercise is also suitable: lying on your back, bend your raised legs at the knees and pull them to your chest;
- For the side press, choose scissors and side crunches. Bends to the right and left, which are performed in a standing position, are effective. It is better to first perform bends in one direction, then the same number of times in the other.
Beautiful abs is a dream that can come true without extra effort.
See also: how many times a week to pump abs
Vacuum for the stomach
All the techniques on how to pump up a girl’s abs at home are aimed at giving her stomach definition. But they will not help you get rid of fat, tighten your tummy or make your waist thinner. To solve these problems, a vacuum for the abdomen is better suited. It trains the muscles located inside. It is recommended to perform it every day to reduce internal fat layers, tighten the stomach, and give a slim waist. A vacuum will help you achieve flat abs, but will not allow you to pump them up.
The starting position is lying on your back or standing. You need to slowly and deeply inhale through your nose, then exhale sharply and forcefully, as if pushing out the air, the abdominal muscles need to be pulled in as much as possible, held for 10-15 seconds, and relaxed. The optimal load is 10 repetitions.
Home ab workout
Daily efforts to pump up your abs will not only not bring you the desired results, but can also be harmful. Any muscles should receive proper rest. Recovery after proper and effective training requires at least 48 hours. For girls, the optimal program is one that includes 2-3 sessions per week, in which they alternate exercises for various abdominal muscles;
- 2-3 exercises for the rectus muscle;
- 1-2 core exercises;
- Vacuum for the stomach.
Remember that training the abdominal muscles is more aimed at giving relief. It will not help you become slimmer, have a thin waist and a thin tummy. To do this, you need to review your diet and also devote time to training to lose weight.
How to start training your abs
Today we will create a program that will focus on daily abdominal training for 7 days. This will not cause any harm to the body if you do not work until the muscles fail. It is clear that the phrase “tomorrow” cannot be here. If you really need very fast results, then there is carbon fasting. This completely excludes all flour, sweets, cereals and fruits. Meat, eggs and vegetables are introduced into your diet. In general, it’s better not to do this, especially for girls who train their abs. This is usually practiced by professional athletes before competitions. Beginners are not recommended to do this.