Building Muscle as an Ectomorph: Nutrition and Training Basics

There are several body types - endomorphs, mesomorphs and ectomorphs.

Distinctive features of the latter are narrow shoulders, small joints, and long arms.

Among other things, they have the lowest levels of physical strength and accelerated metabolism, so gaining weight for an ectomorph becomes a real problem.

On the other hand, this disadvantage can also be considered as an advantage.

Due to their low body fat content, exercising ectomorphs always look lean and slender.

What is important to consider when planning a muscle building complex?

The program for gaining muscle mass for lean ectomorphs has its own characteristics. It places primary importance on the nutrition plan.

The diet of athletes is characterized by a high calorie content, an abundance of foods and fewer meals than in the classic version of weight gain. If most athletes, when building muscle, switch to fractional meals (6-8 times a day), then ectomorphs eat no more than 4 times, and each meal is very plentiful.

The training itself involves active use of the base. These multi-joint exercises are ideal for people of this body type. Particular attention is paid to the correct technique. The number of sessions and approaches is average. Basic elements are worked out for six months or a year, then 1-2 isolating exercises are included in the training. The duration of each lesson should not exceed 50 minutes. As you know, it is at this control point that excess cortisol (stress hormone) turns into a “destroyer” of muscles. If in the case of mesomorphs and endomorphs this is not so critical, then ectomorphs should take care of every gram of muscle gained with difficulty.

As for the number of visits, the best option would be 2-3 times a week. And the point is not that thin people have more limited physical performance, but the importance of such a factor as rest between workouts. For ectomorphs, recovery time is as important as nutrition. It is during this period that the synthesis of protein produced during exercise and nutrients obtained with each meal occurs. The time it takes to create new muscle fibers varies from 48 to 72 hours, which is where this training regimen comes from.

This feature of muscle building is taken into account in splits - training, during which each group is worked out once a week.

Another important aspect is sleep. Its deficiency provokes increased production of adrenaline and cortisol. Both individually and in combination, they can significantly slow down the rate of formation of new muscles.

Be sure to look at: Mass training program: rules for competently pumping muscles Girls and mass: a set of workouts for gaining muscle mass Pumping up mass. Features of men's training in the gym Gaining muscle mass: an effective training program at home

General recommendations

  1. 8–10 hour sleep is useful, during which the body recovers and gains energy. A tired body consumes more calories to stay active.
  2. It is recommended to sleep after a hearty lunch, for 30–50 minutes.
  3. Stress is a bad helper when gaining weight. You can get rid of irritability and tension with the help of yoga or tai chi.

Ectomorphs are the lucky ones who have been blessed by nature with a fast metabolism. They don’t have to worry about being overweight, and thanks to proper nutrition and exercise, they instantly turn into slender and seductive Apollos.

Adjusting your diet

More than 90% of success in gaining weight depends on a competent nutrition plan. Particular attention should be paid to calorie content, diet composition, as well as the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For lean men and women, the focus is on energy-rich carbohydrates.

Don't forget about vegetables. The required amount of fiber ensures the proper functioning of the digestive system. As for water, its daily intake should not be less than 2.5-3 liters per day. The concept of gaining muscle mass is closely related to blood viscosity. The lower it is, the easier it is for nutrients to reach their “destination”, and the more intense the intercellular exchange will occur.

At the same time, it is important for training athletes to understand that consuming prescribed products is the same work as working out in the gym, and “shirking” from it will certainly affect the final result.

Important! A slow rate of muscle growth may be due to improper functioning of the intestines or a lack of necessary enzymes, so it would be a good idea for ectomorphs to see a doctor before starting training.

How to calculate your calorie needs

The principle of building an impressive muscular body is closely related to calculating the caloric content of the diet. The athlete must clearly understand how many calories per day he needs to consume.

For normal muscle growth, the amount of calories consumed should always be higher than the portion consumed. Only in this case will the released energy be used to form new muscle tissue.

The daily energy balance of men and girls can be calculated using the following formula: multiply weight by 40. 500 calories are added to the resulting value on training days, and 200 on rest days.

How many times a day to eat

The frequency of food intake during mass training of ectomorphs is a controversial issue. Some say that it is necessary to eat as often as possible, others believe that for men of this type it is enough to eat 4-5 times a day, but in large quantities.

It is worth noting that most practicing bodybuilders are inclined to the second option and this is due precisely to the digestive characteristics of ectomorphs. Since their metabolism is characterized by a high speed, split meals are not for them. They do not need to be afraid of gaining excess weight and getting fat folds, since their metabolism simply will not give them this opportunity.

On training days, the last meal should be taken 1.5 hours before training. At the end of the training, the athlete needs to close the “protein-carbohydrate window”. To do this, you can use sports nutrition elements such as gainer and protein.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates - the correct proportions taking into account your body type

The approximate proportions of BZHU are as follows:

  • carbohydrates – 70%;
  • proteins – 15%;
  • fats – 15%.

The optimal source of carbohydrates for ectomorphs are cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet. Legumes - peas and lentils - are also welcome. Additionally, the menu may include potatoes, radishes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and corn.

It should be noted that you need to choose only those products that have a low glycemic index, which is unable to provoke a sharp release of insulin into the blood. Therefore, when choosing rice, you should choose wild, red or unprocessed basmati and abandon the popular round grain.

Important! Only those cereals whose cooking time does not exceed 10 minutes are healthy.

Unsaturated fats are a very important point in the diet of an ectomorph. They can be found in avocado, flaxseed and cold-pressed olive oil, yolks, nuts, and sea fish. They not only normalize digestion and metabolism processes, but also contain Omega 3-6-9, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Protein is pure protein, which, together with other nutrients, takes an active part in “building the body.” Athletes gaining weight are especially recommended to consume:

  • beef and lean pork;
  • red and white sea fish, seafood;
  • dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, butter).

Ectomorphs should not be afraid to gain fat, so they can include sweets in their diet, but in moderation.

Body Features

His body works like a stove - “burns” all the calories consumed. Thanks to this, he can easily have ripped abs 365 days a year without any special dietary restrictions. There are both disadvantages and advantages to this.

Disadvantages of an ectomorphic body shape

To gain muscle mass, an ectomorph needs a lot of calories. If an endomorph needs a surplus of 10% of the daily calorie intake (the number of calories that a particular person spends per day), then for an ectomorph it is at least 20%. And we are not talking about “empty” calories from fast food, sweets and carbonated drinks. To gain high-quality muscle mass, you need to eat accordingly - junk food in the diet should be no more than 10-20%. The basis should be animal proteins, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats.

Advantages of an ectomorph

Oddly enough, ectomorphs make very outstanding fitness models and bodybuilders. This body type is less suitable for powerlifting and crossfit, although in practice anything can happen.

Thanks to the high metabolic rate, it is much easier for ectomorphs to get rid of subcutaneous fat. They are able to effortlessly maintain a relatively dry and sculpted shape all year round. In addition, ectomorphs have a fairly narrow bone structure. In combination with hypertrophied muscles, this gives excellent proportions: wide, ball-shaped shoulders and voluminous quadriceps with a narrow waist, round biceps against thin wrists.

There are other advantages too. Relatively low body weight and a low percentage of subcutaneous fat do not overload the cardiovascular system. Ectomorphs are least prone to diseases such as arterial hypertension and arrhythmia.

Selection of training program

When choosing a training program for gaining muscle mass for ectomorphs, you should first determine the goal. Only after a clear understanding of the final result can you begin to schedule a nutrition and training plan.

How to correctly develop the best individual complex and what to focus on

The training plan should take into account the following points:

  • duration of classes (45-50 minutes);
  • frequency of training (2-3 times a week);
  • method of work – splits (1 muscle once a week);
  • number of sets (no more than 3-4);
  • repetitions (6-8 for small, 10-12 for large muscle groups);
  • rest between sessions (1.5-2 minutes);
  • type of exercise (base);
  • number of elements (3 for large, 2 for small groups).

Between workouts, ectomorphs should limit their activity. Football, running, and cardio training are prohibited.

Ready-made monthly scheme: 3 classes per week

Going to the gym three times a day is ideal for thin men trying to build muscle mass.

The 3-day program is as follows:

Day I

Name Approaches Replays
Bench press 3 6-8
Dumbbell raises 3 8-10
Push-ups (parallel bars and horizontal bar) 3 8-10
Bench press (close grip) 4 6-8
Triceps on a block machine 3 10-12
Crunches on a sports bench 4-5 to failure

During this class, the pectoral muscles, abs and triceps are trained.

II day

Name Approaches Replays
Upper pulley to chest (sitting) 3 8
Bent-over barbell lift 3 6
Deadlift 3 6
Barbell row for biceps 4 8-10
Lifting dumbbells with supination (biceps) 3 8-10
Barbell row for biceps (overhand grip) 3 8-10

This workout allows you to pump up your biceps and back muscles.

III day

Name Approaches Replays
Chest press (standing) 3 8
Dumbbell press (seated) 3 8-10
Shrugs (with barbell) 4 12-15
Squat (barbell) 3 6-8
Leg press 3 8
Lying leg raises 4 to failure

This training works not only on mass, but also on the strength of the legs, abs, and shoulder girdle.

Plan for 2 times a week

You should start working out for weight 2 times a week. As your overall physical performance improves, you can add an additional session.

Name Sets Replays
Day I
Bench press 3 6-8
Push-ups (parallel bars and horizontal bar) 3 10
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 6-8
Bench press (close grip) 3 6-8
Chest press (standing) 3 8-10
Swing your arms to the side (dumbbells) 3 8-10
Crunches 3-4 to failure
II day
Upper pulley to chest (sitting) 3 8
Bent-over barbell lift 3 6
Deadlift 3 6
Barbell row for biceps (overhand grip) 3 8-10
Hammer (bending) 3 8-10
Squat (barbell) 3 6-8
Leg raises (dumbbells) 4 12-15
Lying leg raises 4 to failure

On the first day, the athlete works on the chest, triceps, abdominal and shoulder muscles. And in the second - on the back, legs, abs and biceps muscles.

Menu for weight gain

To get 50 g of protein at breakfast, you will have to eat 2 eggs, boiled or in the form of a steam omelet, a 100-gram boiled chicken breast with a piece of black bread in one sitting, and finish the meal with a glass of milk or yogurt.

After 2 hours, add a bowl of porridge, avoid instant varieties, plus milk or kefir, you can replace it with natural juice. That's an extra 15g of protein.

Lunch should be hearty: a portion of soup, maybe fish or with meatballs, 100 g of chicken or beef, or steamed salmon. Have a snack with black bread, up to 100 g. Plus 40 g of protein in the piggy bank.

Have a snack at 16.00 - 17.00 with cottage cheese (150 g) with a spoonful of honey and Borodino bread. This afternoon snack will cost about 20 g of protein.

Have muesli (100 g) with milk or yogurt for dinner. Before going to bed, eat 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese. Total 30–40 g of protein.

Tip: You can’t bring a bowl of soup or a thermos of borscht to work; in this case, sandwiches with bran bread, salmon or cottage cheese will help out. An alternative is protein bars or shakes plus bananas and grapes.

Sports nutrition for muscle growth

Ectomorphs need to pay attention to only 2 sports supplements: gainers and creatine.

The first ones are nothing more than a protein-carbohydrate mixture. It should be taken up to 4 times a day between meals. Gainers are used, as a rule, in the absence of visible results with the developed diet. If there is progress, albeit small, you should not use this supplement.

Creatine is an effective supplement for experienced athletes with 1.5-2 years of experience. It promotes the accumulation of ATP molecules in muscle fibers, as a result of which the athlete can perform more sets with increased weight. The main condition is to avoid dehydration of the body while taking it, otherwise creatine becomes quite dangerous.

Pharmaceutical support to help the ectomorph

If your efforts yield indecently modest results, it makes sense to use anabolic steroids. It is better to take them comprehensively: orally and by injection. The following schemes are considered relatively harmless: Nandrolone + Methandrostenolone, as well as Sustanon together with Anadrol. You should rely on pharmaceuticals only in exceptional cases. Frequent use of medications can disrupt your metabolism and cause a hormonal surge.

It’s difficult to say how quickly the ectomorph will reach the desired condition. It all depends on age, lifestyle, body properties. Ectomorph before and after training is a big difference. Perseverance, endurance, and discipline work wonders.

Advice from professionals

Brad Schoenfeld, research scientist, author of numerous reviews on training for muscle growth

An important factor in muscle growth, Schoenfeld says in his interviews, is the necessary time for rest. After the stress of training, muscle fibers take time to thicken. This is especially true for people with an ectomorphic body type.

Stanislav Lindover, European champion, master of sports in bodybuilding

Ectomorph nutrition means eating large amounts of food 3-4 times a day, where the bulk of the diet is occupied by slow carbohydrates.

Sergey Yugay, bodybuilder, prize-winner of bodybuilding championships, writer, fitness instructor

For ectomorphs in their training, Sergey advises, it is best to rely on the base and its multi-joint elements: presses, squats, deadlifts. The main attention should be paid not to the number of repetitions, but to the technique of performing the exercises.

Main conclusions

The optimal strategy for an ectomorph is short sessions with a small number of repetitions and mandatory rest between sessions.

  1. It is always more difficult for a person with a thin build to gain weight, but at the same time he may not be afraid of gaining excess fat.
  2. Ectomorph training is based on the basic elements.
  3. An athlete's diet requires at least 70% complex carbohydrates.
  4. 2-3 lessons per week are enough.
  5. The best supplements for ectomorphs are gainers and creatine.

Despite the fact that people of this body type take longer to achieve the goal, from an aesthetic point of view, the result obtained is better than that of endomorphs or mesomorphs.

We are happy to see comments from our readers and hear about their experiences with gaining muscle mass.

Workout in an hour

Create a training program for yourself with enough exercises to complete it in one hour or even faster. Train intensely, don't allow yourself to procrastinate and stay in the gym. Don't get distracted by talking too much. Remember that rest periods between sets and exercises should be no more than 1 minute. Your training style should resemble a sprinter running a hundred meters with full dedication, rather than a marathon runner with a measured expenditure of energy for tens of kilometers. Why? Just look at the photo below: on the left is a marathon runner, on the right is a sprinter. Who do you want to be like?

Marathon runner (left) and sprinter (right)
Marathon runner (left) and sprinter (right)

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