As you know, sport prolongs life, so currently there are a huge number of its varieties. In addition, a large number of various additional paraphernalia are used in various modern sports areas. Thus, fitball is one of the most popular gymnastic objects that helps millions of people around the world maintain the necessary shape.
It's no secret that playing sports in modern times is not only useful, but also quite fashionable. Today, in many places and on every corner there are special clubs and various bright posters that attract people to practice fitness, shaping, aerobics, yoga, oriental dancing and fitball. All that remains is to find free time for such leisure and choose, among the many different directions, exactly what is most suitable.
Fitball - what is it?
Currently, there are many exercises that require the use of special gymnastic equipment in the form of a ball. In general, this activity is a real science, which first became known in the fifties of the last century. Then fitness balls, or fitballs as they are called today, became very popular not only in various gyms, but also at home.
First of all, they can be characterized as durable balls with a large diameter. Usually they are designed to perform various gymnastic exercises to form correct posture, correct the figure, and also train the vestibular system. The uniqueness of this item lies in the fact that when using it there is no shock load on the legs.
How to choose a fitball of the right size
For effective training, the fitball must be selected in size depending on the height of the trainee. If the fitball is very large, then during some exercises you will not be able to reach the floor with your feet or hands, which will lead to constant slipping off the ball.
If the fitball is very small, there will be additional stress on your legs, and the ball may also slip out from under you. If the fitball is poorly inflated, it will bend excessively under the load of your body, which will shift the axis of load distribution on the body. With an overinflated fitball, the body will spring back and performing the exercises will be difficult.
To choose the right size fitball, simply sit on it, place your feet on the floor and straighten your back - your knees should form a right angle.
If you are buying a fitball as a gift or you do not have the opportunity to sit on it (for example, the fitball is sold deflated), then use the following selection options:
If your height is less than 1.52 m, choose a fitball with a diameter of 45 cm
If you are between 1.52 and 1.64 meters tall, choose a fitball with a diameter of 55 cm
If you are between 1.64 and 1.8 meters tall, choose a fitball with a diameter of 65 cm
If your height is from 1.8 to 2 meters, choose a fitball with a diameter of 75 cm
For very tall people (above 2 meters), a fitball with a diameter of 85 cm is suitable
The benefits of exercising on a fitball
Exercises on a fitball help with weight loss, which makes them very popular among overweight people. In addition, this sports attribute is also popular among those people who have damaged ankle and knee joints and have varicose veins. Even today, fitball is very popular among pregnant women, as it perfectly helps relieve the back and spine, sacrum, and joints, which withstand enormous loads during this period.
Fitball, reviews of which are quite extensive today and are extremely positive, greatly helps people with joint diseases, obesity, and problems with the spine. Thanks to such a ball, it is quite possible to strengthen the heart muscle, increase muscle tone in general and increase the elasticity and flexibility of the figure. What can I say, you can just lift your spirits.
Also, fitball is very often used for infants. After all, this item perfectly trains the vestibular apparatus, provides all possible assistance with gases, develops different muscle groups, and also plays a particularly important role in the psychological and emotional development of the child. At the same time, exercise on a fitball with a baby can be started as early as two weeks of age.
Article “The influence of fitball aerobics on the body of children” article
The influence of fitball aerobics on the body of children
Zimina O.V., physical education instructor
MDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 combined type "Kapitoshka",
Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region
The current stage of development of physical culture is characterized by the rapid formation of new directions. Currently, a search is being carried out for new approaches, means, methods and forms of organizing classes in connection with the declining level of children’s health and the decline in interest in traditional physical exercise.
Children's fitness allows you to satisfy children's need for physical activity, increase interest in physical exercise, and introduce them to a healthy lifestyle.
In the fitness industry there is a wide variety of areas in working with children, fitball aerobics is the most common area. A comprehensive health-improving and developmental fitball-aerobics program “Dancing on Balls” has been developed for working with preschool children. [10]
The goal of the program is to promote the comprehensive harmonious development of the child’s personality, health promotion, development of motor abilities, prevention and correction of various diseases, and introduction to a healthy lifestyle.
It is necessary to consider the impact of fitball aerobics on children’s bodies taking into account two aspects: the properties of fitball and the specific features of aerobics.
The effectiveness of the impact of fitball aerobics on children's bodies is largely due to the properties of the fitball (shape, size, color and elasticity) and versatility (the fitball can be used as a support, object, weighting agent, exercise machine, obstacle, massager, landmark). Each of these qualities has its own impact on their physical and psycho-emotional state, and has a health-improving therapeutic and preventive effect from the exercises. [6]
The health-improving effect of exercising on fitballs is due to a number of factors. First of all, this is the functioning of muscles and body systems that help maintain posture and maintain balance when performing physical exercises in the squat position on a ball, and oscillatory movements that lead to positive adaptive changes during physical exercises.
Constantly maintaining balance while doing exercises while sitting on a fitball helps strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, creates a good muscle corset, ensuring the formation of correct posture and consolidation of the skill of correct posture when sitting.
Cushioning the ball during exercise helps improve metabolism, blood circulation and microcirculation in the intervertebral discs and internal organs. The shock-absorbing function of the fitball helps to unload and mobilize various parts of the spine, improves metabolism, blood circulation and microcirculation in the intervertebral discs and internal organs. Therefore, fitball aerobics has great health potential, which consists in the possibility of influencing the musculoskeletal system, developing correct posture, treating scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and kyphosis in children.
The effectiveness of exercises on fitballs lies in the fact that in their effect, exercises on fitballs are similar to hippotherapy - treatment by horseback riding. A person needs to constantly maintain balance, involving many muscles of the body in work (static and dynamic). [4]
The vibration effect of the ball on the body has an analgesic effect and activates regenerative processes. The beneficial effects of vibration on the spinal column, joints and surrounding tissues have a preventive and corrective effect on the child’s posture. Improving the outflow of lymph and venous blood, increasing muscle contractility, has a stimulating effect on the function of the adrenal cortex, stomach, liver, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems of the body. [8]
As a result of research, the corrective effect of fitball aerobics on the body of children with speech disorders [7] and cerebral palsy was revealed. [4]
The value of exercises with a fitball lies in the joint activation of the motor, vestibular, visual and tactile analyzers when performing exercises. [7]
Sets of fitball aerobics exercises are presented in various sections of the program: “Fitball-gymnastics”, “Fitball-ri”, “Fitball-correction”, “Fitball-game”.
The shape of the fitball (ball) allows for maximum contact of the palm with its surface, which is important in preschool age for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.
Friedrich Froebel, a German teacher and theorist of preschool education, argued that the first toy given to a child should be a ball, because The ball is a means of developing the child’s personality and introducing the baby to the world around him.
Different colors of fitballs have different effects on a person’s mental state and physiological functions. In pedagogy and medicine, the directed influence of color on the body (chromotherapy) has long been used.
Warm colors (red, orange) have an ergotropic effect, increasing the activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system and increasing excitation of the central nervous system. Cool colors (blue, cyan) have a trophotropic effect, i.e. calm, reducing the activity of the sympathetic department and increasing the activity of the parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system. In this regard, the respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure decrease. [8]
Aerobics, according to K. Cooper, is the systematic use of long-term, moderate-intensity physical exercise to improve health.
Research by scientists shows that during aerobic exercise the body becomes healthier. Aerobic exercise strengthens the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and other systems of the body; There is an increase in aerobic performance and endurance. As a result of aerobics, muscles are strengthened, their elasticity and endurance are increased, and joint mobility is improved. [2, 5]
Fitball aerobics classes are conducted using musical accompaniment.
According to many authors (V.A. Kruchinin, A.T. Brykin, Yu.V. Smirnova, etc.) who studied the influence of musical accompaniment of physical exercises, music helps to overcome increasing fatigue and improve performance, develops a sense of rhythm, tact, expressiveness of movements, musical taste; solves the problems of aesthetic, moral and mental education.
The interaction of the unique properties of fitball and aerobic exercise when performing physical exercises increases the healing effect of fitball aerobics on the child’s body.
The use of fitball aerobics in working with children helps to develop correct posture, strengthen muscles, and prevent diseases. The emotionality of fitball aerobics classes, associated with the use of a multi-colored, elastic ball, musical accompaniment, and dance exercises, increases interest and motivation for physical exercise. A positive emotional background reduces fatigue, which contributes to a more effective process of formation of motor skills and abilities, and the development of physical qualities.
1. Borisova, V.V. Health fitness in the system of physical education of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. Educational method, manual / V.V. Borisova, T.A. Shestakova, - Tula: Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.H. Tolstoy, - 2011. - 84 p. 2. Kovshura, E.O. Health-improving classical aerobics: textbook / E.O. Kovshura. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, - 2013. - 167 p. 3. Kuzmina, S.V. Complex impact of fitball aerobics exercises on the development of physical abilities of primary schoolchildren / S.V. Kuzmina. // Scientific notes of the University named after. P.F. Lesgafta - St. Petersburg, 2011. - No. 2. -S. 161-165. 4. Melikhov, V.V. Fitball gymnastics for people with health problems. - Lipetsk: State University IAC RFKiS LO, 2009. - 128 p. 5. Myakinchenko, E.B. Aerobics. Theory and methods of conducting classes: a textbook for students of physical education universities / Ed. E.B. Myakinchenko, M.P. Shestakova. - M.: TVT Division, - 2006. - 304 p. 6. Ponomarev, E.G. Complex impact of fitball aerobics exercises on the physical and emotional state of children of primary school age / E.G. Ponomarev, S.V. Kuzmina. // Scientific notes. - 2011. - No. 2 (72). — P. 161-164. 7. Potapchuk, A. A. Motor game training for preschoolers / A. A. Potapchuk, T. S. Ovchinnikova. - St. Petersburg: Rech, - 2009. - 176 p. 8. Saikina, E.G. Theoretical and methodological foundations of fitball aerobics: A textbook on fitball aerobics for physical education specialists in preschool and school educational institutions and fitness centers / E.G. Saikina, S.V. Kuzmina. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, - 2011. - 114 p. 9. Saikina, E.G. Fitness in physical education of preschool and school children in modern sociocultural conditions / E.G. Saikina: Monograph. - St. Petersburg, 2008. - 64 p.
10. Saykina E.G., Kuzmina S.V. Fitball aerobics for preschoolers Dancing on balls.” Partial program.-SPb.: Publishing House “Childhood-Press” LLC, 2021.-160 p.
Choosing a fitball
One of the main factors for successful exercise with fitball is the correct and competent choice of ball. As a rule, its diameter ranges from forty-five to ninety-five centimeters. This value depends on the height of the person. For example, for children five to ten years old, a ball with a diameter of fifty-five centimeters is optimal, for adults with a height of 1.6 m - 60 cm, from 1.6 m to 1.9 m - 75 cm, and larger than this value , – 85 cm. When choosing a size, you must also take into account that the angle located between the thigh and lower leg of a sitting person should be 95-100 degrees.
A fitness ball must be equipped with a special anti-burst safety system. This is necessary in order to ensure slow deflation in the event of an accidental rupture or cut, but not an immediate sharp explosion.
To achieve optimal, decent results, you need to choose the right ball and fitball exercises. After all, the quality of the result depends on this. The ball should not be too small or too big. In the selection process, you need to pay special attention to features such as a person’s weight and height. Also quite a lot depends on the quality of the material that is used. A high-quality and good fitball for fitness can withstand quite large overloads, but shock loads are unacceptable for it.
Choose the right ball
A fitball will cost you 300-2000 rubles; they are sold in specialized stores and hypermarkets. The more you weigh, the more load the ball should be designed to carry! Expensive models can withstand up to 150 kg. Make sure the ball you choose can support more than your own weight. Good balls also have protection against bursting (if damaged, such a ball will not burst under you, but will slowly deflate), which is indicated by the marking ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality). By the way, a damaged ball can be repaired like a bicycle inner tube.
The harder you pump the ball, the more difficult it will be to balance on it and the more calories you will burn. However, for beginners it is better not to experiment and get acquainted with the ball in a softer state. It is usually recommended to pump the ball so that when pressed it bends by 2-3 cm. If you are not confident in your coordination and sense of balance, feel free to make it even softer, over time you will get the hang of it and pump it up tighter.
It is not recommended to deflate the fitball after each workout; on the contrary, the ball is better preserved when inflated. To enhance calorie burning, we recommend using an inflated ball as a seat 2-3 times a day. Just sit on it for 15-30 minutes while watching TV or at the computer; the need to maintain balance will speed up your metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the spine.
The effectiveness of exercises on the ball
Jumping on a fitball is very effective for losing weight. In order to perform this exercise, you need to sit on top of the ball and start jumping on it quite energetically. In this case, you need to try not to lift your buttocks from it, and your feet from the floor. This exercise is excellent for strengthening and enlarging the leg muscles.
Then, sitting on the fitball, you can work on the waist area. Here you just need to spread your legs to the sides, without lifting your feet off the floor. Also, while sitting, you should perform a couple of body turns in one direction, and then in the other. You should try to make these turns as deep as possible.
In addition, the fitball helps to give beauty and elasticity to the gluteal muscles. To do this, you need to lie on your back on the floor, bend your knees, and then put them on a gymnastic ball. Then you should raise and lower your pelvic part, periodically straining your buttocks. It is very important here to ensure that the fitball does not slip out.
You can strengthen your abs and eliminate all the extra pounds in the abdominal area with the help of crunches. You need to lie on the floor, then bend your knees and place them on the ball. The body should lift off the floor so that you can reach the opposite knee with your elbow, and then slowly return to its original state. Then you should repeat the exercise with the second hand and knee.
Choose the right ball
A fitball will cost you 300-2000 rubles; they are sold in specialized stores and hypermarkets. The more you weigh, the more load the ball should be designed to carry! Expensive models can withstand up to 150 kg. Make sure the ball you choose can support more than your own weight. Good balls also have protection against bursting (if damaged, such a ball will not burst under you, but will slowly deflate), which is indicated by the marking ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality). By the way, a damaged ball can be repaired like a bicycle inner tube.
Ease of use
Quite often, a gymnastic ball is used as a complement to various other exercises. Abdominal press on a fitball is usually widespread. After all, it is an ordinary and convenient exercise machine, which, when deflated, can be taken with you to any place.
Today all people are divided into two main groups. The former are well aware of the benefits of sports and various sports exercises, and also regularly do gymnastics, callanetics and remember such a concept as fitball aerobics. The second group of people simply find it rather difficult to perceive the very idea of sports or do not have the opportunity to visit different fitness clubs.
Despite this, fitball is a very common and popular projectile nowadays. Exercising with it not only improves your well-being and strengthens muscle mass, but also significantly improves your mood.
Fitness trainers idea
Inflatable balls with a diameter of 45 to 85 cm are known as medicine balls, fitballs or resist-a-balls.
Initially, this ball was actually invented for medical purposes and since the 50s of the 20th century it has been widely used in physical therapy. The ball allows you to load your muscles while sparing your joints. That is why in the 80s fitball attracted the attention of inquisitive American fitness trainers. “Why not try losing weight with a ball like this?” Indeed, for overweight people, especially when they are over 30 years old, it is often their joints that do not allow them to engage in regular aerobics. So fitball has taken a strong place in fitness and has become an excellent workout for losing excess weight. They practice it in fitness clubs, at home with video discs, and on their own.
Popularity of colorful balls
Why is fitball so popular today? What kind of equipment is this and how to play sports with it? This gymnastic ball has gained great popularity because exercises with its use relate not only to a special fitness program, but also to the main complex that is used in this type of gymnastics.
Today there are few adults who have never complained of pain in the lower back or spine. In such cases, pressing on a fitball is very helpful, since such exercises have a special effect on the spinal skeleton and back muscles, and in addition, strengthen the tone of the whole body and the cardiovascular system. In other words, exercising with a fitball helps you quickly achieve your goal and lose weight.
By the way
Smooth or with horns?
Not all fitballs have a smooth surface. There are balls with small spikes that will complement the exercises with a massage effect. These balls are called touch or massage balls. Not bad against cellulite, but the spikes are quite hard and may not be suitable for sensitive people.
Another type of ball has two handles in the form of horns or brackets. It has no practical benefit for losing weight, but it doesn’t interfere either. But children really like to jump on this ball, holding the handles.
Interesting facts about flowers
An interesting fact is that various colors have a miraculous effect on the human body. According to scientists, the human organ system is very sensitive to certain shades. Therefore, when choosing a ball, it is important to purchase exactly the fitball that best suits a particular person at the moment. For example, green color has a unique ability to relieve fatigue, blue calms the psyche, orange has a great effect on kidney function, red shade improves immunity, yellow is suitable for preventing and combating depression.
By the way
Smooth or with horns?
Not all fitballs have a smooth surface. There are balls with small spikes that will complement the exercises with a massage effect. These balls are called touch or massage balls. Not bad against cellulite, but the spikes are quite hard and may not be suitable for sensitive people.
Another type of ball has two handles in the form of horns or brackets. It has no practical benefit for losing weight, but it doesn’t interfere either. But children really like to jump on this ball, holding the handles.
Help of fitball in healing the body
In addition to the fact that such gymnastic balls bring a feeling of strength, a fitball becomes very effective after childbirth. This sport also allows a person to be proud that he has overcome another step in the process of achieving harmony and has become better and even more beautiful.
Today, many people spare neither money nor time for fitball. Reviews about this unique sport are numerous. After all, it really helps with many pressing problems. It would seem that this is just a huge ball, but it significantly strengthens muscles, eliminates a stooped back and trains coordination. But the main advantage of using it is that you can perform all the necessary exercises not only in the gym, but also at home.
The word “fitball” itself consists of two components – health improvement (“fit”) and ball (“bol”). This gymnastic ball serves as a simple and effective exercise machine that can perfectly solve all health problems for a particular family. This Swiss invention is distributed throughout the world today. It is used with great success in correcting the figure, shaping posture, and at the same time it perfectly lifts the mood. It’s rare that a fitness club doesn’t have this type of exercise on its schedule, and it’s also not uncommon to practice exercise balls with babies.
Fitness trainers idea
Inflatable balls with a diameter of 45 to 85 cm are known as medicine balls, fitballs or resist-a-balls. Initially, this ball was actually invented for medical purposes and since the 50s of the 20th century it has been widely used in physical therapy. The ball allows you to load your muscles while sparing your joints.
That is why in the 80s fitball attracted the attention of inquisitive American fitness trainers. “Why not try losing weight with a ball like this?” Indeed, for overweight people, especially when they are over 30 years old, it is often their joints that do not allow them to engage in regular aerobics. So fitball has taken a strong place in fitness and has become an excellent workout for losing excess weight. They practice it in fitness clubs, at home with video discs, and on their own.
A little history
The concept of “fitball” was created in the fifties of the twentieth century by the doctor Susan Klein-Vogelbach. Initially, this device was used for exercises with people with cerebral palsy. The resulting effect from such activities was amazing. Therefore, these gymnastic balls began to be recommended as equipment for rehabilitation therapy for people who have injuries to the spine and musculoskeletal system.
For the very first time, as mentioned above, fitball began to be used for medicinal and preventive purposes in Switzerland. It is made of a special plastic material that bends under body weight. Moreover, when exercises were performed on such balls, people who had some problems with the spine or any injuries were not only able to regain their long-awaited ability to move, but also regained their former flexibility and mobility in the joints.
Over time, exercises on a fitball have gained particular popularity; now it is used in rehabilitation and fitness complexes. It is interesting that practicing such an interesting sport has absolutely no contraindications, and can also be suitable for all people, and even pregnant women.
Aerobics using fitballs of various sizes is also very exciting. Large, lightweight balls not only help maintain health, but also create a fun atmosphere when a person bounces and bounces on the ball, throws it and catches it. Therefore, the lessons are emotional and vivid.
Like other types of aerobics, fitball classes include numerous exercises, including strength (developing muscle strength), dynamic (improving coordination) and increasing the overall endurance of the body.
How did fitball appear?
We owe the appearance of fitball in the fitness industry to the Swiss physiotherapist Susan Kleinvogelbach. It was this woman doctor who, in the 50s of the last century, came up with the idea of using a large inflated ball to rehabilitate her patients who had suffered spinal injuries, heart attack or stroke.
When the effectiveness of such rehabilitation was proven in practice, other physiotherapists, traumatologists and resuscitators wanted to use the ball in the treatment of patients. And a little later, fitness instructors took an interest in the innovation and gave the large inflated ball a beautiful sports name - fitball.
Since its invention, the fitball has undergone some changes - now it is produced in all sorts of colors and designs, with massage spikes, “ears”, handles, of any size.
Operating principle
As a rule, sitting on an object such as a fitball (what it is - indicated above) results only with a straight back, so such exercises help improve posture and are very useful for the spine. An amazing fact, but in some Scandinavian countries, educational institutions use balls instead of chairs.
The round shape of the ball increases the range of motion, which increases efficiency and promotes high muscle stretch. Due to the constant vibrations of the ball, the work of internal organs and systems is stimulated, including the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems, and the instability of the device allows the muscles to remain under constant tension in order to maintain balance.
Fitball exercises also help develop self-control abilities. Therefore, quite often such exercises include special yoga programs.
Today, many are familiar with the concept of “fitball”. Even older people know what it is, because they spend their time with great pleasure doing such an exciting sport. Just recently, fitball was perceived as some kind of exotic, but now it has become one of the most popular fitness equipment. This popularity can easily be explained by the many reasons described above, including, first of all, ease of learning, no contraindications, fun and increased health-improving effectiveness.
2 more exercises for the buttocks on a ball of increased difficulty
If you have fairly good physical fitness and want to work your gluteal and other muscles even more effectively, the complicated exercises presented below with a ball for the abs and buttocks are suitable for you.
Gluteal bridge
The glute bridge is a complex exercise aimed at working the abdominal muscles, hips and buttocks. Improves coordination and endurance of the entire body. Be sure to monitor your breathing and do not squeeze your stomach so that oxygen can be distributed well throughout the body.
- Starting position - lie on the mat on your back, feet stand on the ball and pressed tightly against it;
- As you inhale, you need to push your pelvis upward. Watch your lower back; it should not bend too much. At the top point, the muscles of the abs and buttocks will be maximally tense. It is advisable to stay in this position for a moment.
- As you exhale, gently lower your pelvis onto the mat.
It is necessary to perform 10-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.
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