Fitness exercises

What is fitness

The word “fitness” comes from the English “fit”, which means “to fit”, “to be in good shape”. This healing technique allows you to change the shape of your body and its weight and consolidate the achieved result for a long time . It includes physical training combined with a properly selected diet. However, fitness is not only physical exercise, but also a certain way of life, filled with the awareness of complete victory over oneself, a feeling of joy and pride in one’s successes. Fitness exercises are selected individually - depending on the structure of the figure, and everyone without exception can exercise according to this system, regardless of age and state of health, even pregnant women. A little earlier, an article was presented about the benefits of fitness for women.

Training program for girls for a month

Most often, women start exercising to lose weight. This complex, designed for 4 weeks, will help them achieve their goal. The main thing is to exercise 3-4 times a week.

Workout 1

  1. Cardio load – half an hour. You can work out on a treadmill, exercise bike, jump rope, etc.
  2. Do push-ups from the bench – 15x3.
  3. Raise dumbbells on an incline bench - 15x3.
  4. Place your hands in a crossover - 15x3.
  5. Curl your arms with biceps curls – 30x3.
  6. Press dumbbells while sitting – 30x3.
  7. Raise your legs on the press - 15x3.
  8. Perform crunches - 15x3 or stand in the plank for 30 seconds three times.
  9. Stretch your muscles - 10 minutes.

Workout 2:

  1. Cardio.
  2. Squat with shells - 20x3.
  3. Extend and bend your legs in the simulator - 25x3.
  4. Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides - 20x3.
  5. Cardio, stretching – 15 minutes.

Workout 3:

  1. Cardio.
  2. Deadlift – 20x4.
  3. Hyperextension on the back and abdomen - 25x3 each.
  4. Pull the top block by your head - 20x4.
  5. Lift dumbbells while lying down - 20x3.
  6. Curl your biceps – 20x3.
  7. Raise your legs while lying down - 20x3.
  8. Perform oblique twists of the torso - 20x3.
  9. Cardio, stretching.

The workout takes place at a fast pace, the break between approaches is no more than 1 minute.

You can practice in a circular mode; to do this, you need to select 2-3 elements and perform them without interruption. Then you can rest for 1 minute and do the circle again.

Basic exercises for classes

There is a universal set of exercises that can be performed in any environment - at home or outdoors, in the country or at a resort. No special equipment is required for this, but this complex will allow you to work out the main muscle groups and stay in great shape!

Exercise 1- Exercise “Bicycle”

This is the best exercise for the rectus abdominis and oblique (waist) muscles. Do the exercise correctly: Lie face up on the floor and place your hands behind your head. Pull your knees toward your chest and lift your upper torso until your shoulder blades lift off the floor. Don't strain your neck. Straighten your left leg while rotating your upper body to the right and reach your left elbow towards your right knee. Do the exercise in the other direction - pull your right elbow towards your left knee. Repeat 12-16 times.

Exercise 2- Cobra

Lie face down on the floor with your arms extended along your body, palms down. Tighten your abs and glutes and lift your chest off the floor. Raise and lower your arms along your hips. Raise your legs to a distance of 6-8 cm from the floor. Hold for a count of 3 and lower to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 3- Strengthening the legs and buttocks

Place a folded towel under your stomach. Lie on the floor, arms along your body with palms facing inward. Stretch your feet, thereby stretching your spine. Raise your upper body and hold for 10 seconds. As you exhale, lower your upper back. You can make the exercise more difficult and lift your legs at the same time. Do it 3 times.

Exercise 4 Knee push-ups

Initial position. Focus on your knees, placing your arms straight and slightly wider than your shoulders. Technique. As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower yourself down until your chest touches the floor (mat). As you exhale, return to the starting position with your arms straight. Quantity. Perform three sets of 20 repetitions.

Exercise 5 - fitness exercises for the buttocks.

Stretch your arms forward, and then slowly squat, slowly stand up. A slow pace is needed in order to tense exactly those muscles that we need. It is advisable to choose a chair so that the exercise does not seem very boring to you. In other words, so that they are just above the knee joint.
Thus, you will ensure maximum energy expenditure for the body, allowing it to burn fat. Be sure to check out the article on common mistakes that beginners make in fitness.

Where to start playing sports

First of all, before engaging in fitness, you need to be examined by a doctor. After all, with some chronic diseases you cannot exercise. After diagnosis, you will know exactly which loads are beneficial for you and which ones you should avoid.

If there are no contraindications to sports, then start creating a program:

  1. First, decide on the purpose of the exercise : lose weight, make your body sculpted, increase muscle mass, keep in shape.
  2. Choose a program : fat burning or increasing muscle mass. The weight loss complex combines cardio and strength training. Exercises are performed 15-20 times with minimal weight at a fast pace. The number of sets is from 3. You need to rest no more than 60 seconds between approaches. The program for muscle growth involves reducing the number of repetitions and increasing the working weight. The break between sets is about 2 minutes. It's better to avoid cardio.
  3. Method of conducting training. An athlete can include elements in the complex to pump up the whole body or load certain muscle groups on separate days. The second option is called a split, then the athlete loads the lower part of the body (legs, buttocks) on the first day, the upper part (shoulder girdle, arms, chest) on the second day, and the middle part (back, abdomen) on the third day.
  4. Training mode. At first, it is recommended to exercise 2-3 times a week with 1-2 days rest. Non-training days are necessary to allow muscles to recover faster. A lesson can last from 40 to 60 minutes (excluding warm-up before the complex and stretching after it).
  5. To achieve good results, you first need to focus on movement technique. It is better to start working without sports equipment or with minimal working weights. If you doubt that you are doing the exercise correctly, then practice several times with a trainer. You need to move slowly, work at full amplitude, so that the tension of the target muscles is felt.
  6. Be sure to perform basic elements that help work several muscle groups at the same time and increase muscle size. They are performed with sports equipment (dumbbells, weights, barbell). Isolating movements are used to additionally load lagging muscles.
  7. Be sure to keep a training diary in which you need to write down the program, training regimen, all elements, number of repetitions, sets, etc. With its help you can create the most effective complex.

Tips for doing exercises

  • Set realistic goals for yourself. Go from simple to complex : first simple goals and then long-term ones. Your goals should be achievable.
  • Choose those types of fitness that interest you . Physical exercise should not become hard and monotonous work, otherwise you will never be able to exercise for a long time. Turn exercise into a pleasant, active event , try different types of aerobic exercise, join groups in fitness associations.
  • Make physical activity part of your daily life. Sometimes it is difficult to find time for classes and when you give up, you explain it by being too busy. We advise you to plan physical exercise during the day , like any other type of your daily activity, like you are planning, for example, an important meeting. In addition, we encourage you to think creatively about opportunities to move: run where you usually walk; take the stairs rather than the elevator; Don’t sit motionless in front of the TV, but pick up weights and do strength training. There are many possibilities, look for them and come up with them.
  • Write down goals and achievements . Do you want to lose weight? Improve health indicators? Get rid of fatigue or insomnia? Write it down! Reviewing your notes and seeing your successes motivates you to continue.
  • Reward yourself. After training, try for a few minutes to feel the joy of life that exercise gives. Let this become a habit and you will be able to fully enjoy the “muscular joy” spread throughout your body. A reward for yourself can be a very real thing for the success achieved, for example, buying new sneakers.
  • Don't get hung up. If you are too busy today or feel completely unable to study , skip a day or two. Don’t scold or push yourself, but sometimes be lenient with yourself, everyone needs a little break sometimes. It is important that you return to the program as quickly as possible.
  • First, learn how to perform each exercise in the complex perfectly correctly. The best option is the guidance of an experienced trainer. Previous articles have looked at whether you need a coach or instructor for your first session.

Fitness exercises[edit | edit code]

Posted by BJ Gaddour

Exercises without weights, which will be discussed below, are considered the foundation of fitness. You must firmly believe in their strength and power if you want to acquire the desired sports form.

Less is more[edit | edit code]

The main obstacle, besides lack of motivation, that stands in the way of people who begin to master any fitness program is attention deficit disorder in the field of fitness. Most people treat exercise as different flavors for ice cream and day after day, week after week, month after month they endlessly change them, mix them, rearrange them, jump to something completely different just so as not to get bored. While this approach may please your taste buds when it comes to ice cream, it ends up leaving a pretty bad taste in your mouth when it comes to exercise.

Consistency and consistency in your training process is extremely important for long-term success. It takes your body and brain a lot of time to adapt to the exercise and learn how to perform it correctly. And if you constantly jump from one to another, you will never be able to master either one perfectly. “But what about the idea of ​​constantly challenging your muscles with new movements? you may ask. Doesn’t that fuel their growth?” It is really necessary to push your muscles from time to time, but this applies primarily to those who have extensive experience and have already come a long way. For beginners, and most exercisers, it is best to do a small number of exercises and try to get the most out of them before moving on to something else. Repetition is the mother of learning, and this applies to fitness like nothing else.

Legendary coach Vince Lombardi became famous for his “power sweep” technique, which became the hallmark of the Milwaukee Green Bay Packers in the 1960s. Lombardi's philosophy was for players to play this pattern over and over again in practice, perfecting it. He often said that if everyone did their job properly, there would be nothing stopping a running back from scoring points for his team on every drive. No, it’s not that every “mop-up” brought the Packers points, but they mastered this tactic so well that their opponents could not counteract it, even though they knew in advance that this tactic would be used against them. The Packers didn't scatter their attention, but instead focused on a few plays and perfected them, and it turned out to be a winning strategy.

Focus on mastering a few exercises rather than trying to juggle a bunch of different exercises. This will allow you to burn more fat, build more muscle, and perfect your fitness.


The proposed set of exercises will help tighten your stomach, “draw” your waist, and burn extra calories:

  • Body flexion . The starting position is lying on your back, arms extended forward, legs bent at the knees. Having rounded your back, you should slowly lift your body up. After your knees touch your chest, you need to gradually return to the starting position. The optimal number of repetitions is 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Another effective exercise for a flat, toned stomach is “Scissors” . The starting position is similar to the previous exercise, only the arms are extended along the body. Straight legs must be raised above the floor (no more than 45 degrees), then spread apart, and without lowering them to the floor, such movements should be repeated 10 times. In total, it is worth performing 3 such approaches (the break between them is no more than 30 seconds).

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