Butt training: 2 programs for women.

Why do you need a barbell in exercises for the buttocks?

Many women come to the fitness club with the request to “pump up a beautiful butt.” But not all of them understand what they have to work with - basic exercises and hardware, which most associate with bodybuilder training. “The main muscles that form the buttocks are the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles,” comments Elizaveta Repina, personal trainer for the gyms of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit. “But don’t forget about the main muscles of the hip joint, since everything in the body is interconnected.”
This muscle comes into play precisely when performing basic exercises - deadlifts, squats, lunges. Using a barbell in these movements allows you to increase the load, which means you will get results faster.

Exercises with a barbell are especially useful for those who are just starting to lose weight and dream of firm buttocks. “Some girls have a beautiful, voluminous butt, but when they start losing weight, the whole shape is lost, it becomes flat because there is no muscle there. Therefore, you need to work evenly - both oxidize fat and build muscle mass. Exercises with weights help to do this,” explains Olga Morozova, instructor of group programs at the Fitness Territory network of clubs .

However, you shouldn’t give up cardio training either. “Cardio exercises and bodyweight exercises increase tone by improving blood circulation and muscle nutrition, expanding the circulatory network in this area,” explains Valentin Zinin , personal trainer and body maker at SuperPopa studio . “Therefore, you need to work together: combine strength training (hyperextension, deadlift, squats) and cardio (aerobics, elliptical training) in your training plan.”

How does exercise help pump up the buttocks?

The only movement that allows you to use the large, medium and small muscles to the maximum is straightening the torso, and, therefore, squats are the best way to pump up these groups. And the lower you go, the more effective and efficient the exercise. Deep squats allow you to pump up and make your gluteal muscles elastic much faster.

Muscle strengthening occurs only when you work with weights. Training with weights helps muscles increase in volume. For each individual approach, 8-12 squats should be performed. After a cycle of repetitions, be sure to take a one- or two-minute break to rest.

You can't take light weight. The load must be noticeable. The correct choice is evidenced by the inability to perform more than 12 squats per approach. If there is no such refusal, the weights are too light. Of course, those who have never squatted with weights need to master the technique with a low load, and only then increase the weight at each session.

Squats. How to properly pump up your buttocks

Beautiful buttocks: common mistakes in training

These shortcomings reduce the effectiveness of classes:

You exclude basic exercises from your training program

It happens that squats are prohibited . But if you don’t have such restrictions, be sure to include basic exercises (lunges, squats, deadlifts) in your lesson. They load the muscles of the buttocks, legs, back, and core. In total, this makes the silhouette of the butt and legs more balanced.

You only do glute exercises

Doing your entire workout “in the name of beautiful buttocks” may be an attractive idea, but it has nothing to do with a beautiful silhouette. “The most common mistake is doing exercises only for the buttocks in one workout (endless swings, lunges, hundreds of squats). Remember that the load must be balanced, so the buttocks should be worked in conjunction with the muscles of the legs or back,” reminds Elizaveta Repina.

A set of squats for buttocks for 30 days

It consists of increasing the load every week, but at the same time reducing the number of repetitions in four approaches:

Approach 1Approach 2Approach 3Approach 4
1 Week20151212
2 week15121010
3 week1210108
4 week121088 – 6

How to pump up your butt. Butt workout

The most effective exercises for the butt

These, as you may have guessed, include basic movements - lunges, squats, deadlifts and their variations. “This also includes all progressions and variants of “gluteal bridges,” adds Elizaveta Repina.

When creating a set of exercises for the buttocks, choose movements that would pump up the butt not only “frontally”, but also its sides. “To make the buttocks look fuller from all sides, it is important to include in your training exercises that pump up the piriformis muscle, as well as the muscles of the thighs - the biceps and quadriceps muscles, the entire medial and lateral part of the thigh,” says Olga Morozova.

We asked Olga Morozova to create a set of exercises for the buttocks, taking into account all these nuances. If you have a barbell and fitball, you can do it at home.

A set of exercises for a beautiful butt with a barbell

When performing each movement, take your time and pay attention to your technique.


Stand up straight, grab the barbell in your hands with an overhand grip shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Move your pelvis back, lean your body forward, slide your hands with the barbell down over your thighs, lowering the barbell to knee level. Then smoothly, working the muscles of your legs, thighs, buttocks and core, return to a vertical position. This will amount to one repetition. Perform 30 of these, then rest for 40 seconds. Increase the weight of the barbell and perform another 20 repetitions of the exercise. After a short rest, take your maximum weight and perform 10 more repetitions of the exercise. After this, rest for a minute and move on to the next exercise.

Lunges with a barbell

Take the barbell with an overhand grip, bend your elbows and place the barbell at the level of your collarbones. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Step your left foot back and lower into a lunge, bending your knees to a right angle. Work the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, abs and back. Then smoothly return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition. Perform the required number on each leg.

Plie with barbell

Stand up straight, grab the barbell with an overhand grip and place it on your shoulders. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, pointing your toes slightly to the sides. Bending your knees, work the muscles of your legs, back, buttocks and abs, and lower yourself into a plie. Smoothly return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition. Complete them as required.

"Sumo wrestler" with a barbell

Stand up straight, grab the barbell with an overhand grip and place it on your shoulders. Place your feet parallel, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and work the muscles of your legs, back, buttocks and abs, lower yourself into a squat, and lean your body slightly forward. Then smoothly straighten up. This will amount to one repetition. Complete the required number of them.


Stand up straight, grab the barbell with an overhand grip and place it on your shoulders. Place your feet parallel, shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees, move your pelvis back and lower into a squat. Do not increase the arch in the lower back, work the muscles of the abs, buttocks, back and legs. Then smoothly straighten up. This will amount to one repetition. Complete the required number of them.

Bent over with barbell

Stand up straight, grab the barbell with an overhand grip and place it on your shoulders. Step your right foot forward (the heel of your right foot is slightly forward relative to your left toe). Gently lean your body forward, slightly bending your left leg. Work the muscles of the abs, back, buttocks. Do not increase the arch in your lower back. Then return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition. Do the required amount in each direction.

One leg squat

Stand with your back to the fitball, grab the barbell with an overhand grip and place it on your shoulders. Shift your body weight to your right foot, bend your left leg slightly and place the instep of your left foot on the exercise ball. Working the muscles of the abs, back, buttocks and legs, bend your right leg, lowering into a squat, and slightly roll the exercise ball back with your left foot. Smoothly return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition. Perform the required number of repetitions in each direction.

Gluteal bridge (with progression)

Lie on your back, bend your legs and place your feet on the exercise ball. Take the barbell in your hands with an overhand grip and place it at the level of the iliac bones, holding the barbell with your palms. Using your shoulder blades, back of your head and shoulders, lift your pelvis off the floor. Then smoothly straighten your legs, rolling the fitball further away from your body. Without lowering your lower back and buttocks to the floor, bend your knees again and roll the exercise ball towards you. This will amount to one repetition. Complete the required number of them.

Squat with fitball

Stand with your back to the fitball, grab the barbell with an overhand grip and place it on your shoulders. Bend your knees and move your pelvis back, sit on the fitball. Then, working the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, smoothly return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition. Perform the required number of repetitions.

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