This game was born in the mid-19th century in England. And today it is the most popular in the world. If you haven't figured it out yet, this is football. A game that makes millions of people around the world eagerly await the start of every match. If you watched football once and liked it, then you will watch it for the rest of your days.

Translated from English, football is translated into two words: foot - leg, ball - ball. Simply put, it is playing with a ball using your feet. Over the entire history of the development of this game, its rules, undoubtedly, have been subject to many changes, but the meaning and intensity of passions have remained the same. For example, only at the end of the 19th century. The concept of a goalkeeper was introduced, and he had the right to play with his hands, but only in a strictly designated area. Later, this very territory was called the penalty area. Also, the main changes in the rules of football include penalties and substitutions. From the very beginning of the game, there were no such provisions as penalties and substitutions at all. But at the beginning of the 20th century, they decided to introduce a penalty for flagrant violation of the rules in the penalty area. And substitutions generally appeared only in the middle of the 20th century, but even then substitutions could only be made if a player was injured. Only at the end of the 20th century, it was allowed to make three substitutions in each team during one game.

For many people, football is more than a game. This is their meaning in life, something they cannot live without. After all, many people equate football with theater. After all, this is also one big performance, where 22 players take part. And it is these players who very often do things on the field that give you goosebumps. Admiration and an incredible surge of adrenaline is what every fan of this wonderful game receives. If you yourself want to play real football, then you need to recruit 22 like-minded people and rent a field, in Kaliningrad you can do this here , buy a more or less similar uniform, hire a referee and go!

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